Stoke on Trent United Kingdom

Work in Stoke on Trent United Kingdom

Stoke-on-Trent is a city located in Staffordshire, in the West Midlands region of England. It is known as the "Potteries" due to its long history of pottery manufacturing and its famous ceramics industry.

When it comes to work opportunities, Stoke-on-Trent has a strong manufacturing sector, with major employers in the ceramics, engineering, and construction industries. The city is home to well-known companies such as Wedgwood, Portmeirion, and Royal Doulton, which provide job opportunities in ceramics design, production, and marketing.

The engineering sector is also a significant employer in Stoke-on-Trent, with major companies such as Siemens and Goodwin Steel Castings having operations in the city. The construction industry is also a key sector, with opportunities in areas such as architecture, surveying, and building trades.

Other major employers in Stoke-on-Trent include the local council, which provides job opportunities in administration, education, and social services. The city also has a growing healthcare sector, with the University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust and other healthcare providers providing job opportunities in healthcare, administration, and support services.

The citys thriving creative and cultural sector also offers job opportunities in areas such as arts and entertainment, media, and advertising. There are a number of museums, galleries, and theaters in the area, including the Potteries Museum & Art Gallery and the Regent Theatre.

Overall, Stoke-on-Trent offers a range of work opportunities across a diverse range of industries and sectors. Whether you are looking for a career in ceramics, engineering, or healthcare, there are likely to be job opportunities available in this historic and creative city.

Stoke on Trent United Kingdom

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Why has money gone out immediately, before the gig work has been complete? arrow-right
Our leading payment provider will independently hold the money, for security and peace of mind for the gig worker, as well as a robust disputes policy and reducing fraud on the platform. You, the gig lister, control when the money is released after satisfactory completion of the work outlined. For more information about pay in general, see our pay section in the Help Centre
Can I modify the gig in-flight if the scope and/or pricing needs to change? arrow-right
If the gig was set as negotiate, then yes. For fixed price, no. When replying to a fixed price, you are accepting the terms and price set out in the gig. For more information, see our help centre gig section. Please note, any changes you make to the gig are additional and any price is additional to what has already been paid.
What can and can’t be listed on the gigexchange? arrow-right
See our Terms of Service for further details.
Why do I need to upload my passport or driving license? arrow-right
You are uploading this information to Stripe, so they can validate you, which in turn builds trust for potential customers. This enhances the payment framework and yourself as a result, building another tier of trust and reputation inside our marketplace.
Can I report offensive or harassing behaviour? arrow-right
Yes, we take very seriously any behaviour that is threatening, violent, aggressive or harassing. We recommend all communication is through our chat portal, so we have an audit of this. Please contact us through our contact page.

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