Northumberland United Kingdom

Work in Northumberland United Kingdom

Northumberland is a county in the North East of England and is famous for its stunning natural beauty, including its coastline, countryside and castles. The area is also known for its rich history and heritage, including the famous Hadrians Wall.

The major and most popular work opportunities in Northumberland are in the following industries and sectors:

  • Tourism and Hospitality: With its stunning landscapes, historic sites and coastal areas, tourism and hospitality is a major industry in Northumberland. Major employers in this sector include Visit Northumberland, The Alnwick Garden and Treehouse, and The Bamburgh Castle Inn.
  • Manufacturing: The manufacturing industry is a significant employer in Northumberland, particularly in the areas of electronics, precision engineering, and pharmaceuticals. Major employers in this sector include Tharsus Group, Aesica Pharmaceuticals, and Koehler Paper Group.
  • Renewable Energy: Northumberland has a significant renewable energy industry, particularly in wind and solar power. Major employers in this sector include EDF Energy Renewables, Infinis Energy, and Good Energy Group.
  • Healthcare: The healthcare sector is a significant employer in Northumberland, with major employers including Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust.
  • Retail: Retail is also an important industry in Northumberland, with major employers including Morrisons, Asda, and Tesco.

Overall, Northumberland has a diverse economy with a mix of traditional and modern industries, making it an attractive location for businesses and job seekers alike.

Northumberland United Kingdom

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Frequently Asked Questions

I would like to partner with gigexchange, how do I do that? arrow-right
At the gigexchange, we are all about our customers. If you believe you can empower our customer’s win-win, then please contact us.
Are gig workers verified? Can I trust them? arrow-right
All gig workers must be identity verified by Stripe when registering as a gig worker. This adds an additional level of trust to our platform. Because we offer a reputation service, you can also see all historical work conducted by the worker. This quickly builds trust within the marketplace, but also removes fraudsters and scammers. Any behaviour that breaches our platform standards results in those worker being removed from our platform.
What happens if gigexchange receives a dispute from a credit card company? arrow-right
The gigexchange will get in touch (usually by email) to discuss the disputed payment. It may be that the dispute is the result of a misunderstanding. If that is the case, it is important to contact your card issuer and tell them that you are no longer disputing the transaction. gigexchange will follow its internal dispute process and liaise with Stripe until resolution.
What is the difference between a fixed price & negotiable gig? arrow-right
When you set a fixed price gig, the price is non-negotiable, so anyone applying for the gig agrees to the price set in the gig listing. Negotiable gigs have no price set on the listing, but allow the gig lister and gig workers to negotiate through the private chat portals. Once an agreement is made, the scope or works and price is updated on the gig listing and agreed to by both gig lister and worker. With a negotiable gig, you can also make a change to the scope of the gig once it is in flight. Please note, any new price is just for the additional work, not the total value of the old and new.
I am a business, do you offer discounts for bulk job uploads? arrow-right
Please contact us so we can discuss your specific requirements?

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