Inverness United Kingdom

Work in Inverness United Kingdom

Inverness is the largest city and cultural capital of the Scottish Highlands. The city is famous for its rich history, stunning scenery, and outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing, and skiing. Inverness Castle, Culloden Battlefield, and Loch Ness are some of the popular tourist attractions in the area.

As for work opportunities, some of the major industries in Inverness and the surrounding area include healthcare, education, tourism, and energy. The city is also home to a number of businesses in the tech and creative sectors. Major employers in Inverness include:

  • NHS Highland: The public health service is one of the largest employers in the area, with several hospitals and healthcare facilities across the region.
  • University of the Highlands and Islands: The university offers a range of academic and administrative roles, and is one of the largest employers in the area.
  • Scottish and Southern Energy: The energy company has a number of wind farms and other renewable energy projects in the Highlands, and has its headquarters in Perth.
  • Bòrd na Gàidhlig: The public body responsible for promoting and regulating the Gaelic language has its headquarters in Inverness.
  • Highland Council: The local government is one of the largest employers in the region, with a wide range of roles across various departments.

Overall, Inverness offers a diverse range of work opportunities in a variety of sectors, making it an attractive destination for job seekers.

Inverness United Kingdom

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a gig and a job? arrow-right
A gig is a pre-defined task (or set of tasks) that has a specific expected outcome. On the gig exchange, it is FREE to list a gig under the services section. Services are fixed price or negotiable. Workers are selected based on services, availability, reputation & price. The money is withheld independently through our leading global Payment provider Stripe escrow account. Payment is only released upon satisfactory completion. Feedback is given by both parties to build marketplace reputation. A job is an advertisement listing the general requirements and services expected of a worker. Job advertisements are for permanent or contract based work (hourly rate).On the gig exchange, the job advertisements are FREE and listed under the Jobs section.
What is the difference between a fixed price & negotiable gig? arrow-right
When you set a fixed price gig, the price is non-negotiable, so anyone applying for the gig agrees to the price set in the gig listing. Negotiable gigs have no price set on the listing, but allow the gig lister and gig workers to negotiate through the private chat portals. Once an agreement is made, the scope or works and price is updated on the gig listing and agreed to by both gig lister and worker. With a negotiable gig, you can also make a change to the scope of the gig once it is in flight. Please note, any new price is just for the additional work, not the total value of the old and new.
How do I build my brand? arrow-right
Ensure your profile is fully up to date, representing yourself and your skills as honestly as possible. For any gigs won, conduct yourself with grace. Treat the customer with respect. Keep the customer updated on progress of the gig. Ensure you keep evidence of your work. Complete the gig to a high level, within the agreed timeframes. This will ensure your ratings and reviews are exemplary. This will ensure your brand is in demand for future gigs you are interested in.
Why are we so much cheaper than competitor sites? arrow-right
We are founded and developed by gig workers of the NZ economy. We passionately care about driving down the cost of business and increasing opportunities for all. We have developed a platform we believe can do this for you. We hope by creating a marketplace combing all ways of working and advertising, along with working and designing smarter, we can reduce our costs, so we don’t have to offset them onto you. We call that empowering the win-win. For more information see our fair pricing policy.
Why do I need to upload my passport or driving license? arrow-right
You are uploading this information to Stripe, so they can validate you, which in turn builds trust for potential customers. This enhances the payment framework and yourself as a result, building another tier of trust and reputation inside our marketplace.

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